Partners and Funders
Combined Federal Giving Campaign
The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. WMI has been participating in CFC presentations and has been a recipient of CFC funding for over a decade.
Cordes Foundation
Connecting social entrepreneurs with the resources they need, convene events to strengthen the ecosystems of impact investing and social entrepreneurship, and catalyze 100% of our balance sheet for impact. WMI has received numerous infrastructure grants from the Cordes Foundation.
Together Women Rise
WMI is proud to have been awarded a Together Women Rise sustaining grant in the amount of $25,000/year for 3 years. TWR is empowering women and girls living in extreme poverty.
The International Foundation
The IF partners with poor communities in the developing world to improve their health, education and incomes, while strengthening local capacity to sustain their benefits. Working to deliver measurable and sustainable change that is "owned" by the project participants and that leaves broad, lasting benefits, the IF is partnering with WMI to fund additional loans and training in East Africa.
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2013, The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and Borana Conservancy at the foothills of Mount Kenya, are protecting the last of northern Kenya's black rhinos from extinction, as well as expanding conservation of other major African wildlife through community-centric conservation. across northern Kenya and beyond. In 2015, Lewa and Borana took an unprecedented step by removing Working in collaboration with local residents and village leaders to implement livelihood based programs linked to wildlife conservation, WMI partners with Lewa to offer business loan and training to thousands of rural women in the communities surrounding the conservancy.
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in more than 90 countries. Boeing provided a grant to WMI to collect survey data from borrowers and prepare advanced business training materials and a banking manual that serves as a guide for all WMI borrowers. Boeing has a comprehensive approach to global corporate citizenship. It partners with organizations around the world to focus on improving those areas that comprise vibrant communities - education, health and human services, arts and culture, environment and civic awareness.
Bududa Learning Center
Bududa Learning Center maintains three programs: the Bududa Vocational Academy (BVA), the Children of Bududa Program, and the Bududa Women's Development Group. The Women's Development Group will provide resources, materials and finding for loans for the women in the local loan group being formed in Konokoyo village.
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (CCPC)
CCPC in Washington, DC is WMI's partner in operating the loan hub in Shikokho, Kenya. CCPC has been involved in its health care ministry in Shikokho since 1989. CCPC has built a Medical Clinic, Staff House, and the Maternity Wing initially run with solar power and later converted to electricity in the village. It organized local leaders to establish the Shikokho Women's Groups (SWG) to operate these facilities.

Community Health Access and Environmental Conservation (CHAEC)
Community Health Access and Environmental Conservation (CHAEC) is non-profit working with Maasai and other indigenous people in the National Conservation Area (NCA) in Tanzania to provide mobile health care and training to semi-nomadic families who cannot access essential services. CHEAC provides antenatal care, vaccinations, deworming, child growth monitoring, primary care medical consultations and treatment, and health education sessions on disease prevention and environmental sanitation. CHAEC serves many women who participate in the WMI loan program.
Discovery Communications
Discovery Communications, LLC, located in Silver Spring, MD, supports WMI through a program to raise funds to add solar panels to the WMI building in Buyobo. With electricity, the newly constructed building will be able to offer a variety of new services for the community. Discovery has also donated 15 lap tops to start an Internet Café in the meeting room in the building in summer 2010. This will provide WMI's borrowers and all of the local villagers with a much needed connection to the world community.
International Monetary Fund Civic Program
The IMF Civic Program provided WMI with a $10,000 grant in 2010 to expand loan program operations. The grant was based on WMI's submission of its unique economic model for combating poverty. Since then they have provided numerous follow-up grants to WMI. The IMF Civic Program supports charities in low-income countries, through monetary grants and in-kind donations. The Civic Program is run by the Advisory Committee (CPAC). IMF Civic Program funds are for humanitarian purposes only and are separate from the IMF's financial support for member countries and policy programs. Charitable grants and staff donations have totaled over $6 million since 1994.
La Ceiba
La Ceiba is a microfinance institution based at University of Mary Washington in Fredricksburg, Virginia. Its vision is to provide microfinance opportunities to people in developing nations, particularly in Central America. Its first goal is to open a micro-loan and savings program in Siete de Abril, a community located in Ceiba, Honduras. It seeks to establish a group based lending program while also providing entrepreneurial training to borrowers. La Ceiba has promoted WMI at Mary Washington University. WMI has provided La Ceiba with loan documents and training materials to help them with their initial program launch.
Mpambara-Cox Foundation
The Mpambara-Cox Foundation has set up a variety of programs to partner U.S. schools with schools in Kambale, Uganda. In addition, they collect backpacks, school supplies, and donations to provide children with the opportunities and resources to attend school. In August 2010 the WMI high school interns spent a day working in the Ugandan schools that Mpambara-Cox supports.

RAIN Uganda
RAIN Uganda (Responding to HIV/AIDS and Intervening for the Needy) is a Ugandan nonprofit run by volunteers that provides education and health resources throughout eastern Uganda. Most of the volunteers are health practitioners who want to share their knowledge with rural populations that lack access to critical information about common health care issues affecting their communities. RAIN Uganda has visited WMI members in Buyobo to provide cervical cancer education, and to conduct cervical cancer screenings and HIV tests.
Sarara Foundation
The Sarara Foundation is working to protect the 850,000-acre Matthews Forest Range, in the heart of Northern Kenya, the wildlife, and Indigenous Samburu who call this land their home. It supports maintaining the local biodiversity that is key to combatting the climate crisis, as these areas are major carbon sinks. The cycle of poverty in the local Indigenous communities is deepening due to rapid urbanization, critical watershed damage, and changes in weather patterns that severely impact agriculture and livestock. WMI is working with Sarara to provide training for indigenous women who have small businesses.
SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. SAS provides WMI with complimentary access to its JMP software so that each summer college interns can analyze data collected from loan program participants. Created by SAS for statistical discovery, every product in the JMP software suite is visual and interactive, comprehensive and extendible. JMPJMP gives WMI the ability to visually depict the data so that it's easily understood by foundations and corporations that want to support WMI. JMP partners with a wide range of consultants and vendors who include JMP as a key component in their businesses.
Sun24 is a nonprofit that helps the poorest of poor in developing countries with cookstoves, solar lights and eyeglasses. WMI partners with Sun24 to bring cleaner cooking and solar lighting products to rural women and their families.
Western Turville Wells for Tanzania (WTWT)
Western Turville Wells for Tanzania (WTWT) provides initiatives for the Maasai people in and around the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA). These resilient people have historically led sustainable lives in harmony with the wildlife of East Africa. Since the government moved them off their land in the Serengeti in 1959, their lives have become increasingly difficult, resulting in widespread hunger and critical health issues. Regulations limit their ability to care for their families and manage their livestock. WTWT projects include clean water strategies, food supply management, adult education, improved health care facilities, and health education, including workshops to prevent female genital mutilation. WMI began partnering with WTWT in 2015 to bring microloans, business skills training, and financial literacy education to the Maasai women in northeastern NCA.