Media Coverage
WMI celebrates 15 years of service to rural women in East Africa. (YouTube)
Through 15 years of service to rural women, WMI has had a profound impact on their lives, their families, and their communities. (3:01)

Flourishing Conversations sponsored by BECO interviews (Video Interview)
WMI President, Robyn Nietert on WMI's long history of successfully launching women entrepreneurs in rural East Africa.
One in an Army fan collective supports WMI at the summer concert of the Korean pop band BTS (PDF)

2020 - WMI President Honors WMI's Rural Businesswomen (YouTube)
WMI president honors the businesswomen graduating from the loan program at the annual community celebration in Buyobo and encourages a cheering crowd with her speech. (6:09)
2020 - How WMI Borrowers Generate Income (YouTube)
See how WMI members start a variety of creative businesses to generate income. (5:26)
2020 - CFC - Rural African Women Gain Income and Dignity (CFC)
2020 - LEWA Wildlife Conservancy Partners with WMI (LWC)
2019 - Harvesting Bogoyas (YouTube)
Not for the faint of heart, climbing trees to harvest bogoyas is a tough business. (1:09)
2019 - Dealing with Defaulters (YouTube)
To maintain the trust of members, it is crucial for a rural loan program to follow up immediately with defaulters. Join the ladies as they organize to confront a defaulter in her home and negotiate a repayment plan. (2:32)
2019 - Kellog Institute for International Studies at Notre dame Supports WMI Internship Program
2019 - Women In the World Recognizes WMI (Women in the World)
2018 - Elephant Orphans Create Opportunities for Rural Samburu Women (YouTube)
WMI is helping to create job opportunities for Samburu women in Northern Kenya. (0:31)
2018 - Borrowers Boosting Bogoyas (YouTube)
Rural women turn buying and selling bananas into big businesses. (3:22)
Dining For Women Selects WMI for $75,000 Sustaining Grant (Dining For Women)
2017 - Clean Water for Buyobo (YouTube)
The recently completed Buyobo water restoration project shows the vital importance of clean water to the community and the difficulty of managing water systems in rural villages. (5:37)
Human Rights Defender: Women's Microfinance Initiative (The Carter Center)
How Microfinance Reduces Gender Inequality (The Conversation)
The Onion Queen of Buteza (Global Giving)
Bullis School Creates a Video on WMI's Impact on Reducing Poverty (YouTube)
WMI sited as one of the country's best run programs by Uganda's Minister of Microfinance (Daily Monitor)
Olive Wolimbwa, WMI Local Director, on how WMI has impacted her family (YouTube)
New video of 2011 loan program graduation ceremony in Buyobo (YouTube)
New video of Whitman High School Summer 2010 internship with WMI in Buyobo, Uganda (YouTube)
New slide show of WMI's 2011 trip to Uganda and loan program graduation ceremony (PDF)
Slide show of WMI's fall project in Uganda/Kenya (PDF)
Bethesda Magazine profile of Robyn Nietert and WMI (Bethesda Magazine)
How Microfinance is Helping in Developing Countries (VOA News)
Greater Washington Area Chapter of Hadassah Newsletter (PDF)
WMI Tutoring Program Video (YouTube)
Uganda Women Build A Future With Micro-Financing Boost (Presbyterian Outlook Magazine)
Good Deed, Done Well (Financial Planning Magazine)
It Takes a Village (Emma Willard Alumni Magazine)
Upper School Assembly: Robyn Nietert (Maret School Newsletter)
Perspectives on the Voice of America featuring WMI (Video)
Instruments make their way from Whitman to Uganda (Bethesda Gazette)
Black and White Newspaper - February, 2008
Children's Band of Uganda Finds Musical Partner in Md. (Washington Post)