Your donation will give a rural woman in East Africa the opportunity to start her own business.
With the revenues generated from her micro-enterprise, she will be able to raise the standard of living for her entire family and help make their future more secure.
Because the WMI program provides loans, and not subsidies, your donation will continue to provide seed capital for successive generations of WMI borrowers.
WMI is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. WMI directors and officers do not receive monetary compensation for their services.
WMI's tax identification number is 26-1384627.
You can either donate online via PayPal or send a check payable to:
Women's Microfinance Initiative
P.O. Box 485
Cabin John, MD 20818, USA
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2022 Grant Recipient
You can make a donation to WMI to honor someone special.
Just email us at and let us know the name of the honoree and why you would like to recognize them with a gift to WMI. It's a great way to acknowledge a special achievement or remember a loved one.
We are posting the gift givers and honorees on a special page. CLICK HERE to read about these special gifts.
Gift Cards
Make a donation in the name of a friend or relative and then CLICK HERE to download a gift acknowledgement card that you can send to the person you have selected.